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School Clubs

Clubs Booking Information

How to book after school clubs.pdf

Clubs must be booked and paid for in advance.  There will often be a charge for wrap-around care and all costs will be notified in advance. If you have any questions, including suggestions for additional provision, please contact Mrs Deal in the School Office:

Breakfast Club

From 7.45am daily, our Breakfast Club provides busy parents with the opportunity to give their children a good start to their school day.

Please contact Mrs Deal in the school office, via ClassDojo, to secure a place at the breakfast club or use the contact form. 

Please note that places should be booked and paid for at least one week in advance.

Please read the attached document of information for parents

Breakfast Club Booking and Queries

To contact Mrs Deal regarding the Breakfast Club, please use the form on the Useful Forms Page.

After-School Clubs

Sports 4 Kids after-school club

We have a new after-school provider which is Sports 4 Kids. Despite the name, Sports 4 kids offers a wide range of after-school activities including crafts, games, problem-solving, baking etc. The flyer below has more information about the club and parents will be able to book by visiting (also hyperlinked on the leaflet) then using the search bar - we are on sale for Autumn term 1 (Sept/Oc) and Autumn term 2 (Oct-Dec).


Maidenhead Magpies

To enrol please visit:

uSport - Dance and Indoor Cricket

Sewing Club

Fizz Pop Science
