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Opening Times

The opening times detailed below reflect our traditional school day.  

The gates open at 8.30am and the school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.30pm.  

Children can attend our Breakfast Club from 7.45am and our afterschool club provided by Sports4Kids, runs until 6.00pm.

All children have a morning playtime for 15 minutes. Children can bring their own fruit from home to eat at playtime.

Lunchtime is from 12.15pm -1.15pm.  Children can bring a packed lunch from home or purchase a school dinner.  In warm, dry weather the children are allowed to eat their packed lunches outside, under the sails for shelter from the sun.

If your normal arrangements for collection have to be altered (if you are delayed or another person is collecting your child) please let us know.  This avoids any confusion or upset.

To get to and from school, walking, biking or scooting are definitely the best options!  Not only are these healthier options than driving, they also help reduce the number of cars at drop off or collection.  There is a bike shelter on site which is within the secure perimeter of the grounds.

If you have to travel by car why not try parking near All Saints Church or Boyne Hill Park and stretching your legs with a walk first thing?  Please park safely, with consideration and respect for our nearby residents and businesses.

Please note that the school car park is not for use by parents/carers during the school day.