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Ofsted and SIAMS reports

All Saints is a happy, nurturing and inclusive school, with a highly skilled leadership team committed to helping the school and its pupils to thrive. 

All Saints became an academy with Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST) in January 2023, and has not yet been inspected as a new school. ODST has substantial experience of supporting improving schools, and the eight other ODST schools in Berkshire are all rated Good or Outstanding. Since its previous inspection (as a local authority school in February 2022), the school has made significant progress in addressing areas identified for improvement.

Ofsted website

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted Parent View gives you an opportunity to comment on 12 aspects of the school, including the quality of teaching and learning, pupil behaviour and attitudes to bullying.  While this is a useful tool to gather information about what parents think, contributions are anonymous so we are unable to deal with any concerns that are specific to your child.  If you do have a concern it is best to contact us directly so we can respond quickly to help you and your child.


Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools - 'Outstanding'

Because we are a Church of England school, in addition to an Ofsted inspection, we also have a SIAMS inspection.

In 2015, the school was judged as 'outstanding'.  The inspector stated the established strengths of the school are:

  • The vision and drive of the headteacher, effectively supported by staff and governors, has embedded strong Christian values that underpin all aspects of school life.
  • The school’s Christian values are made explicit and have a significant impact on all learners’ good achievements, supportive, respectful relationships and excellent behaviour.
  • ​The school’s ethos of Christian hospitality and inclusivity ensures that learners have an impressive understanding of and respect for other world religions and one another’s differences and diversity.