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Comments, Concerns & Complaints: Your Views

Your ideas, concerns and questions are important to us and we welcome regular dialogue with parents and carers to help us improve.  We operate a distributed leadership model and, consequently, there are several ways to let us know what you think:

Speak with the Class Teacher

We hold formal Parents’ evenings twice a year – once in the autumn term and another at the end of the spring term.  At these meetings you will be able to talk about your child’s progress both academically and socially. Also, early in the academic year, we hold a Meet The Teacher evening, which is an informal opportunity to meet key personnel, including your child's class teacher, and to discuss classroom protocols, such as the homework schedule.

We strongly believe, however, that more frequent, informal meetings are far more beneficial.  If you have any queries or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher or direct-message them on ClassDojo using your parental account – no need to worry whether the concern is trivial or not; very often simple misunderstandings can be sorted quickly and easily if dealt with early on.  Teachers try to make themselves available for brief conversations around school hours (apart from Wednesday evening, which is our weekly staff meeting) and will be happy to speak to you. 

If you feel you need a longer discussion, you will be able to arrange a convenient time to meet the teacher by booking an appointment through the School Office. 

During the spring term, a written report is produced and sent home with a final end of year summary in July.  The written report details targets your child should work on throughout the rest of the academic year and is discussed at the Parents' evening in the spring.  The final summary should contain no surprises and, again, there is an opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher before the end of the summer term about it.

Speak to a Senior Leader

Once you have raised initial concerns or queries with the Class Teacher, you are welcome to pursue the issue further with a member of the school's Senior Leadership Team.  Mr Mckrell (Deputy Headteacher), Mr Parkin (SENDCo & Inclusion Leader) and Miss Knight (School Business Manager) are all available to you as the school's Senior Leaders.  All feedback is treated sensitively and appropriately – feedback is one of the ways we can continue to improve the school.

Speak to the Headteacher

Where you have been unable to resolve issues with the teacher or a Senior Leader then please do see Mr Harris.

As well as helping to resolve complaints, Mr Harris is very happy to discuss issues which may be impacting on your wider family life, to provide you with the pastoral support you need and to facilitate help through various outside agencies.  They are also available to discuss operational issues, such as with those who do not have children in the school, and where the class teachers or other school leaders are not in a position to assist.

Look out for communications

Your questions and concerns are often answered in our communications.  Our weekly newsletter - usually published on Wednesdays - contains information about term dates, upcoming events and improvements to the school.  E-mails, texts and letters are also sent home containing information about important events. We also use our home-school communication tool, ClassDojo.

Alongside App which partners this website, we use PrimarySite to send emails and to text, so you can receive much of the school's information electronically.   Paper copies of letters and information are available on request from the School Office.

If you are not yet receiving PrimarySite or ClassDojo communications, please contact the School Office to find out how to register.

Those of you who are registered on PrimarySite are also able to download the free PrimarySite app to your phone via iTunes or the Android Store. Using the app means you can access our communications even if you have no network connection, and you will receive in-app notifications whenever we send you a message. Please take a moment to download the app if you haven’t done so already.

Put your views in writing

We regularly ask parents' views about aspects of school life, and teaching and learning.  Look out for questionnaires you can respond to, in order to help us improve All Saints.  If you feel strongly about something, there is no need to wait for a questionnaire, simply put your ideas or concerns down on paper, send us an e-mail, use the contact form below or, alternatively, pop into school to see a member of staff.  If you make a formal complaint to the Headteacher, please use the form which is available on our policy page.

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted Parent View gives you an opportunity to comment on several aspects of the school, including the quality of teaching and learning, pupil behaviour and attitudes to bullying.  While this is a useful tool to gather information about what our parents think, contributions are anonymous, so we are unable to deal with any concerns that are specific to your child.  If you do have a concern, it is best to contact us directly, so we can respond quickly to help you and your child.